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To all who are, or have been, a part of our fellowship

We write to you with a heavy heart, recognising the pain and suffering in the form of child sexual abuse that has been experienced by victims/survivors and families within our church. Across Australia and New Zealand, we acknowledge the sad truth that some people among us, including ministers of the gospel, elders and friends, have perpetrated acts of child sexual abuse. While some of these wrongdoers are now deceased, the repercussions of their actions persist.

We are deeply sorry to those whose trust was shattered and for the pain they feel. We acknowledge the courage of those who have shared their experience, and we acknowledge those whose voices are still silent, unable to speak of the trauma endured.

There are no excuses for this offending committed within our fellowship. We deeply regret all instances of abuse and any time when more could have been done to hear concerns or help victims. We firmly declare that any form of abuse is utterly unacceptable and inexcusable.

We humbly acknowledge that no apology can erase any harm you bear. We recognise the enduring impact this trauma may have on your lives, acknowledge your pain and believe your experience.

We also extend our love and care to the families and supporters of victims and survivors. Your awareness and compassion are appreciated, and we acknowledge the weight of your burden.

We have begun implementing measures to prevent future instances of child sexual abuse and prioritise the safety of children. While there is still much work to be done, we want to make sure our fellowship is safe for all.

We understand that actions speak louder than words, and we are determined to demonstrate we are sorry through tangible efforts to ensure children are safe and victims are heard. We welcome anyone who has been harmed, whether directly or indirectly, to reach out and engage with us or any of our fellow workers as we strive to do better.

May this apology aid our endeavours toward healing, accountability, and genuine change.

With kindest care and commitment,

Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell and Stephen Thorpe
May 2024