Australian and New Zealand Conventions 2024/2025 - Update
Links to different points in letters
Updating our Code of Conduct and Child Safe Policy by independent review
Allegations Handling is being independently reviewed to ensure it meets good practice
We express our sorrow to all who are or were part of our fellowship
Our visiting workers have no current allegations or concerns
If anyone has been affected by sexual abuse, please report to authorities
Communication from overseers
17 July 2024
We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to you for taking the time to read our content and provide your valuable feedback. Your insights are crucial to helping us improve our website.
Our proposed allegation management process is still under review by ChildSafe Australia and we are anticipating completion in the next few weeks.
We have identified and have been working with a third party investigation firm * who perform investigations into allegations that have been raised. They are currently performing a trial investigation for us. This step is part of our ongoing commitment to ensuring the integrity and independence of the allegation process including the use of professionally trained investigators.
We have also heard back from the Australian Redress Scheme and our membership application is in progress. Please refer to the website at for more information.
* 09/09/2024 The name has been redacted by request of the third party investigation firm due to vexatious calls received.
26 May 2024
26 May 2024
To all concerned,
Since our letter of 1 July 2023, we have been taking further steps to make our fellowship a safe place for children and survivors.
To ensure we comply with the laws and good practices recommended in our respective countries, we are guided by the ten Child Safe Standards and the Recommendations of the Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Those recommendations apply to any faith-based bodies in Australia. Given the Royal Commission in New Zealand has been delayed, we will be guided by the Australian recommendations for New Zealand also.
Research shows that awareness, education and discussion, when bolstered by clearly defined processes, can help to protect children and prevent abuse. We would like workers, elders and parents/caregivers to be informed about child safety and extend this knowledge to all others associated with our fellowship.
We will continue to work with our advisory group and will also be working with external organisations who specialise in child safety and allegation management to review and implement robust and transparent processes and procedures.
Much of the last half of 2023 was taken up with conducting assessments for conventions – identifying child sexual abuse risk and implementing processes to mitigate this risk. We considered survivor safety in all of these risk assessments.
Along with the risk assessments, we consulted with convention owners, parents and young people across the fellowship.
As conventions were rolled out, some of the recommended processes were refined or adapted to meet individual property requirements.
After conventions, we collated feedback from
convention owners,
those who wrote to the email address, and
any who provided suggestions at suggestion boxes placed at some conventions.
This feedback has been used to inform recommendations for future conventions.
Alongside the convention safety work, we have also been working on the following:
Updating our Code of Conduct and Child Safe Policy: We are in the process of updating our existing documents. These have been provided to ChildSafe Australia for independent review.
Allegations Handling: We have prepared an outline of procedure for responding to allegations of child sexual abuse within our fellowship. This is being independently reviewed by ChildSafe Australia to ensure it not only meets good practice but fits in with our desire for a fellowship that is safe for children and survivors.
Dedicated Website: We have established a website that anyone can access with the aim of providing updates, information and education exclusively about child safety and survivor support resources. The advisory group has developed and will manage this website with our full support. The website address is
Fellowship Safety: Following on from the changes we put in place for convention we have identified some opportunities for improvement for other gatherings, including special meetings, to make sure our children are safe. We will continue to review and improve these measures. We invite constructive feedback from all who are concerned about child and survivor safety in the fellowship. This feedback can be emailed to
Apology: We understand that many of the measures now being put in place will seem not enough to some and too late for others. However, it is with a genuine desire to reach out and move towards a safe and healing environment, that we want to express our sorrow to all who are or were part of our fellowship and have felt betrayed. For this reason, a formal apology will be available on the website. Moving ahead, we will put a priority focus on how we can listen, engage with and support survivors in their healing.
We are fully committed to the journey ahead and to promoting the safety and wellbeing of all within our fellowship.
Warm regards and encouragement,
Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell and Stephen Thorpe
18 August 2023
Dear Australian and New Zealand Co-workers, Elders and Friends,
Thank you to everyone for your response to our letter of 1 July 2023, regarding the prevention of child sexual abuse. We appreciate your patience as we work to address these issues in a measured and sensitive way and feel it is now important to provide you with an update.
We have communicated our zero tolerance with respect to the harming of children, young people, or anyone within our fellowship and have begun actions to support this stance. The impact of child sexual abuse is devastating and far reaching. Our thoughts are with each one of you who have been affected.
Since we last wrote to you, work has commenced to develop a standard policy and approach towards child sexual abuse prevention and survivor support. An advisory group consisting of 16 individuals from Australia and New Zealand has been formed to undertake this work. This advisory group includes members with lived experience of child sexual abuse and those who have supported survivors. It includes members with experience in child safety and protection, child safe compliance, vulnerable persons advocacy, psychology, counseling, and mental health. Several members hold professional roles including in risk avoidance and quality compliance, policy development and corporate governance. The group includes ten females, three workers, elders, and elders’ wives. A broad age range is represented.
The advisory group’s role, is to provide advice to the ministry, focusing on child safety and survivor support, drawing on personal and professional experience, sourcing assistance from specialist experts, external resources and professional bodies as required. Consultation and engagement will be needed from time to time, for example the voice of our parents and our young people will be critical.
The advisory group will also rely upon reputable, published material, expert bodies’ formal guidelines and relevant research that is publicly accessible, to provide advice that is grounded in best practice and will operate fully within the bounds of the law. Australian national child safety standards and New Zealand child safety guidelines will form the basis of the review of current child safety practices and guide development of improvements within our fellowship.
The identity of advisory group members will remain confidential, and they will not be providing direct engagement with the broader fellowship. Member confidentiality is important for the protection of survivors within the group, and to enable the group to focus on this important work in an impartial manner without external pressure or distraction. We will be looking at mechanisms to provide additional support to survivors in future.
All members of the advisory group completed independently recognised training on the prevention of child sexual abuse and advisory group level training. In addition, all members have obtained and provided current Working with Children Checks or Children’s Worker Safety Checks and police clearances.
The scope of work to be completed is large and will take time to develop and implement. The advisory group has commenced a risk assessment to determine the areas of highest risk so these can be given immediate attention.
We appreciate each one of you who have encouraged and supported us to move forward in addressing concerns about management of child safety and survivor support. We thank each one who has approached us with concerns about individual situations. We have had to make some difficult and firm decisions to mitigate risks to children and will continue to do so.
We understand that it will take time to restore your trust and we feel inadequate in addressing these issues but commit to working openly and transparently on preventing and responding to child sexual abuse. The advisory group will be valuable in guiding us however we will need the support of each one of you to progress.
We acknowledge processes may take longer than some may wish. We expect to update you in the next month and will continue to communicate with you as the work progresses and we have further matters to address.
We thank you for your efforts in supporting each other and any survivors who no longer feel able to meet with us in fellowship.
Warm regards and encouragement
Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell and Alan Richardson.
Australia: Get support | National Office for Child Safety or 24/7 support on 1800 737 732
New Zealand: or 24/7 support on 0508 326 459
2023/2024 Australian and New Zealand Conventions
We are all looking forward to the privilege of convention this year. The consideration and respect we show to each other and to the owners of the convention grounds will add to our time together.
The focus of convention is the refreshing of our soul. At the same time, we would like to acknowledge that convention has been a challenging time for some in the fellowship, including those impacted by child sexual abuse or who have been harmed within our fellowship.
We want convention to be a safer place, and some changes are being introduced this year to enhance the safety of our convention environment.
Preparations and Conventions
We appreciate those who help prepare for conventions and look forward to your help again this year.
It is important you let either your elder or the worker coordinating convention know if you are coming for a meeting, a day or the whole convention. In addition, we would like you to confirm arrival and departure on the grounds and this process may look different for each convention. The process will be communicated on arrival.
Any person with a history of, or an allegation of, harm to children is not to attend preparations or conventions.
Attention is drawn to the potential hazards associated with convention preparations, and any child or young person attending preparations must be accompanied by an adult and supervised.
Children are always welcome at conventions and their safety is the primary responsibility of parents or a designated responsible adult.
Anyone wishing to bring guests from outside the fellowship (eg. evening mission meetings) is requested to check with the coordinating workers for that convention in advance. Guests on convention grounds should be always accompanied.
We would encourage parents to educate school age and older children regarding appropriate behaviour by other people and where to seek help if they feel uncomfortable or unsafe.
Children and young people are encouraged to be with a friend or sibling when not with their parents or responsible adult. Children and young people should check in with an adult regularly and remain with their friend or sibling.
Every attempt will be made for job allocations to fit around parental commitments. For children under 12, we encourage one parent to be always available for child contact.
Accommodation arrangements will be more flexible to allow families to make specific requests or bring their own accommodation. Family groupings are encouraged. The time children are left in tents alone should be minimised. It is requested that children not be left sleeping alone for extended periods, especially during meetings.
Anyone requiring additional support is encouraged to speak with the workers coordinating each convention or a trusted friend who can advocate on their behalf. If anyone has concerns about attending conventions this year, please reach out to your elder or one of the workers so we can assist in making alternate arrangements.
Considerable input has been received on improving the safety of our children and young people at conventions. We welcome further feedback, either via suggestion boxes at convention or via email to
2023/24 Parents Information Sheet
We are eagerly looking forward to convention, and we understand that much of the information we're sharing may already be familiar to you. The purpose of this communication is to provide helpful suggestions that will assist all parents in maintaining the care and supervision of children and young people while still enjoying the spiritual benefits of the convention.
We acknowledge that written clarifications like these can sometimes be a bit daunting. However, our primary goal is to address any concerns you may have regarding attending the convention.
We are pleased to have visiting workers at this year's conventions. Our visiting workers have been confirmed by their home country as having no current allegations or concerns related to child sexual abuse or misconduct. They will undergo Ministry Safe training and adhere to the Workers' Code of Conduct, just as our local workers do.
Visiting workers will be accommodated with friends or families who do not have children under the age of 18, unless a specific family makes a request and provides their consent to accommodate them. This practice also extends to visiting workers travelling by car within Australia or New Zealand.
This year marks the introduction of convention attendees designated as Child Safe Contacts to address any child safety concerns. For each convention, some people with "Working with Children Checks" and/or "Police Checks" and child safety training will be identified. Those who work in childcare, healthcare settings, police, social work or schools may already have valid certification. If you possess these checks, please inform your elder when submitting names for the convention. The contact details for Child Safe Contacts, workers coordinating convention, local emergency information, and reporting lines will be prominently displayed.
In case of any concerns related to child safety, we encourage you to report them directly to one of the designated Child Safe Contact individuals, the workers coordinating for the convention, or the appropriate emergency authorities.
Any person under the age of 18 planning to attend the convention must be accompanied by a parent or an adult designated as the responsible contact person for that child. This parent or adult will always have primary responsibility for the well-being of the child or young person during the convention.
Accommodations in tents with children will include only immediate family members unless specifically requested by parents/guardians. Children are encouraged to stay out of empty tents or other empty buildings on the convention ground.
In the case of dormitories, it is encouraged that parents or designated responsible adults be assigned to the same dormitory area as the child or children under their care.
For visits to shower and toilet facilities, children should be accompanied by a parent, sibling, or a responsible adult.
Parents, please take the time to acquaint your children with the convention grounds. Safe areas, restricted zones, play areas, common spaces for socialising, walking paths, and well-lit evening socialising areas for young people will all be clearly designated. It is also advisable to establish an agreed meeting point.
We trust that these measures will contribute to a safe and enjoyable convention experience for all participants. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and we eagerly anticipate seeing you at the convention.
Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell and Stephen Thorpe.
1 July 2023
Dear Australian and New Zealand Co-workers, Elders and Friends,
We remember you and appreciate you all, in your respective places, near and far.
We are united in writing to you after a period of careful consideration. We have undertaken a process of meeting together, consultation with professionals, survivors, and brothers and sisters in our fellowship.
Cases of child sexual abuse and sexual misconduct among workers and friends within the fellowship overseas have been recently highlighted. These allegations are being managed in each jurisdiction with a number of people removed from the work and meeting attendance.
We are sharing this information with you because, over the years, some of these people have been visitors at Australian and New Zealand conventions and special meetings. We are also aware of many family connections with friends and workers overseas and people travelling internationally. We have not been formally notified of individuals with child sexual abuse allegations against them who have visited Australia and New Zealand in the past, although we will do our best to provide up to date information to you if you request it individually from us. Australian and New Zealand defamation laws and victim privacy considerations restrict us from publicly naming individuals with allegations against them.
If there is anyone in Australia or New Zealand who has been affected by sexual abuse by anyone in our fellowship including workers, reporting to appropriate authorities is required by law and we are available to speak to any people with concerns.
There is no place for people who have harmed children in our meetings and conventions; we ask any individual with a history of causing harm, or with allegations, or convictions not to attend. This includes public gospel meetings.
We have been working individually in each Australian State and in New Zealand to address these issues locally but have now come together as a group of overseers to discuss how we work across both countries in a united way, to improve the prevention of child sexual abuse and support survivors who have been harmed within our fellowship. We all have zero tolerance for the harming of children, young people or anyone within our fellowship. We know we have much work to do to listen to and support survivors of abuse and we are all committed to doing this.
We will work together with the support of professionals and people with lived experience of abuse, to move to a standard policy and approach across all our areas. Our workers will continue to keep up to date with training on preventing child sexual abuse. In Australia, we will continue maintaining our Working with Children Checks and we will move to a similar approach in New Zealand. We will provide additional details for managing visiting workers and child safe guidelines for convention prior to conventions starting this year. We will regularly update you as we progress.
We have a shared responsibility across our fellowship for the safety of our children and are grateful for each one caring for young ones. We encourage parents, grandparents and any who have regular contact with children to inform themselves about child sexual abuse. The two videos below may be helpful in this regard, and we encourage parents and guardians to educate their children about keeping safe and aware.
The Office of the Children’s Guardian NSW has a 20-minute video on recognising abuse.
Ministry Safe provides online information for parents
We draw your attention to specific legal requirements for certain groups of people to report any suspected child abuse and neglect to the authorities (known as mandatory reporters). This is in addition to anyone’s responsibility to report any crime to the police. Mandatory reporters include the following:
ACT – workers
NSW – workers and elders
NT – any person
SA – workers and elders
TAS – workers
VIC – workers and elders
WA – workers
QLD – all adults
In New Zealand police officers and social workers only are mandatory reporters.
We want to know and address any past or current concerns about misconduct or abuse of any kind, in our fellowship. We will listen to you, believe you, and will do all we can to support you. We support, encourage and stand by you to raise and report any issues. Criminal matters against children, by law, must be taken directly to the appropriate authorities. We encourage accessing professional help and support, from professional bodies such as these:
Australia: Get support | National Office for Child Safety or 24/7 support on 1800 737 732
New Zealand: or 24/7 support on 0508 326 459
We acknowledge that these matters have not always been appropriately addressed in the past. We are truly sorry for any harm and immeasurable long-term damage to victims, and it is our firm objective to do better in future.
The care and safety of children in our fellowship is paramount and we are available to help and support survivors as much as possible.
Warm regards and encouragement,
Malcolm Clapham, Graeme Dalton, Wayne Dean, Trevor Joll, Alan Mitchell and Alan Richardson.


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If you think a child is in immediate danger
Australia - Call (000)
New Zealand - Call (111)