Australian and New Zealand Conventions 2024/2025 - Update
We have conducted an overall risk assessment and produced safety plans for conventions across Australia and New Zealand, with input from risk assessment advisors, site owners and coordinators. We have supplemented this with site-specific plans, and actively sought input from families with young children.
Our safety measures include vetting attendees (including international visitors), designating child-safe contacts, and implementing clear procedures for incidents. We have specific safety measures for sleeping quarters, we allocate jobs with safety at the heart of our considerations, have clear signage, and closely manage attendee interactions. We have clearly communicated our zero-tolerance policy for harm against anyone in our fellowship.
As part of our commitment to continual improvement, we have reviewed and improved our plans for this year, to learn from our experiences last year. We have involved key stakeholders in this process.
Special Meetings
Child safety is also paramount at all special meetings. We have conducted thorough risk assessments and put measures in place including vetting attendees, assigning specific workers to address any child safety issues, and encouraging parents to keep children in sight.
Fellowship Safety
Other Gatherings
We have completed a fellowship wide risk assessment and developed fellowship safety recommendations. Once we have finalised these processes, they will be added to the website.
Get Help & Support in Australia - Helplines
If you think a child is in immediate danger
Australia - Call (000)
New Zealand - Call (111)